Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In two days (July 2nd), our small but mighty team of six will be on our way to Cameroon! There have been so many questions, prayers and general well wishes for me on this trip, that I feel I’m taking a little bit of each of you with me. I’ve learned enough French to be able to introduce myself, exchange a few pleasantries, and ask a few vital questions.
We will be enjoy a respite from the heat of the desert and daily experience the joys of rain :>)…which will pale in comparison to AZ.
Check our forecast:

My bags and backpack are packed and our assignments have also been defined. I will be teaching vacation bible school, along with Deb and Carmen, to about 150 students in grades 1st-6th. Because the reading levels of the students are much lower than U.S. students at these grade levels, it will be also a time for teaching phonic skills through the bible lessons and activities. We will have pretty large classes (45-75 students depending on how we divide among us) and are prepared to teach at least 10 days. We are also responsible for putting together some type of children’s program for the second Sunday of our trip….so we need LOTS of prayers for this one since there are still some questions regarding what the students really are able to do, coupled with our abilities to sing..NOT :). This will be reminiscent of my first teaching job on the Navajo Reservation to a self contained special ed. class…although there were only 12 students :>).
The guys will be responsible for a variety of things including teaching an evangelism course(Andy) and building maintenance, car repairs and lots of physical labor stuff(Garth and Velmond ). We’re all ready to be of service for all of the other unexpected needs that may arise. Upon arrival, we will spend the night in a rest house in Douala, up early the next morning for a 6 hour drive to Bamenda and another night at a rest house and then into Ndu, our final destination. Let the bonding begin!!


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