Friday, July 23, 2010

This may be my last posting for a while as I begin to catch up with life again. I'm almost back into my regular sleep pattern which gives me energy to tackle work and assorted the hundreds of emails I have accumulated while away. Missions at midlife...who would have thought that this would be my life? It was my prayer to demonstrate Christ's love to the people we encountered. I'm thankful that prayer was answered over and over again!! I was also blessed to learn from the people of Cameroon about their daily lives and walk with Jesus. So many memories to cherish and carry forward to my life here. Because of your support in a number of ways, I was able to make this dream a reality. Please keep me in your prayers for wisdom and discernment regarding the next steps in my life towards serving a longer mission in the very near future.
This last post is a collection of people and sights that I won't soon forget.

Dr. Philemon Yong...Academic Dean at Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary. Visionary,energetic and passionate about reaching his country with the truth of the gospel.

Linda Yong...wife of Dr. Yong. warm,insightful,compassionate..

Our home during the mission.


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