Friday, July 23, 2010

This may be my last posting for a while as I begin to catch up with life again. I'm almost back into my regular sleep pattern which gives me energy to tackle work and assorted the hundreds of emails I have accumulated while away. Missions at midlife...who would have thought that this would be my life? It was my prayer to demonstrate Christ's love to the people we encountered. I'm thankful that prayer was answered over and over again!! I was also blessed to learn from the people of Cameroon about their daily lives and walk with Jesus. So many memories to cherish and carry forward to my life here. Because of your support in a number of ways, I was able to make this dream a reality. Please keep me in your prayers for wisdom and discernment regarding the next steps in my life towards serving a longer mission in the very near future.
This last post is a collection of people and sights that I won't soon forget.

Dr. Philemon Yong...Academic Dean at Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary. Visionary,energetic and passionate about reaching his country with the truth of the gospel.

Linda Yong...wife of Dr. Yong. warm,insightful,compassionate..

Our home during the mission.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Children having lunch after their program to thank us for vacation bible school:

With Mercy and Martha. Martha cooked our meals and made me realize the importance of CARBS at every meal...fruits and veggies are highly over-rated:>)
Mercy is in the middle and very pregnant! Amazing woman with an equally amazing faith in God.
Administrative tasks and the Seminary textbook library was a major part of my work. Although I spent a couple of days at vacation bible school to help get things started, the bulk of my assignment was cleaning, organizing and creating spreadsheets for over 1000 books used for instruction in the seminary. This also meant getting rid of 1000s of damaged,out of date texts/materials and other assorted items that didn't work or were just movie reels dating back to 1950s and a microfiche reader. Even though I spent the day covered in dust, it was a labor of love that answered my prayers. These are the before pictures...extreme water damaged ceiling tiles, more dust swirling around than a Arizona dust storm and a mouse that scurried around room as my constant companion :>).

Yes, those are containers of reel projector films!

There is a window buried behind this stack that opens which I didn't discover until days later. That was a glorious day(thanks Garth) to get fresh air into this space.

I can only guess how much mold and/or abestos was floating around the room :)

In the end, I was able to create spreadsheets logging info for every text, shelves cleaned, organized and labled by subject and a list of recommendations for the seminary president to consider. That year of working at a bookstore in high school, really came in handy for this appears God's preparation for this trip started a long time ago :>)
Like any makeover,here is the after:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vacation Bible School in Cameroon and A few of our excellent teacher assistants!:

Our Missionary Hosts: Dr. Philemon Yong and his wife Linda:

Team on the way...first stop on the way, Chicago!

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